Thursday, December 22, 2011

Final Blog Assignment Week 8

Unfortunately, I never received feed back from any of the International contacts that I emailed. Thank you Dr. Klein for the alternatives websites and podcast.

                                                      Three Consequences

*One consequence would be the affect poverty have on children, not just here in America but all around the world. China, and Africa are two other countries that have issues with poverty and lack of heath care. When we think of Issues and Trends in the early childhood area, we think about what is going on right here at home. Never does it cross our minds that children/families in other countries are suffering from the same issues that Americans are suffering from also. Poverty is a Worldwide issue and not just one nation issue. We must join toughener to end this epidemic.

*It was not until I entered Walden University and enrolled in Early Child Development field; were I have been introduced to many issues and trends that affect the lives of many families across the country.You don't really understand what children/families endure until you read, research and gain knowledge of the issues that come a long with being a early childhood educator. One thing that I have learned in this field is to never judge people, for we never know how their lives are outside of the center. It is very important to treat people according to the way you want to be treated. We must take off our blind folds to children and families who do not share the same cultural as ourselves. We all are unique and have something to give and take from other nationalities. In this field, we as educators must always make sure we stay as professional and productive as possible. Children and families should always be able to look up to us and not look down on us; for we play a very crucial role in their lives.

*Health care is a another major concern with children and families around the world. If children are not able to be provided with the proper healthcare; which can cause lack of immunizations than we are looking for   nonproductive children in the future to come or more children dying from lack of proper health care. We must advocate to politicians for the well-fare of all children around the globe.


We as early childhood educator's maybe in different parts of the country, but share many related issues and trends in the early childhood field. It is good to know what is going on in other parts of the world pertaining to issues and trends in the early childhood field. My goal is to continue to reach out to other's in different parts of the country to relate, understand, and collaborate in  hopes of making a difference to help change policies, and procedures that affect the lives of children in other countries as well as my own country.


Saturday, December 17, 2011

My Thoughts on the EC Field...

I just wanted to share with Dr. Klein and colleagues a major issue/concern that is being addressed under the TN Licensure Law for the well-fare and well-being of children in Memphis, TN.

*Issue regarding quality and early childhood professionals being discussed where I work:
One of the local issues that have been a major concern in the City of Memphis is Corporal punishment. In the last six months to a year there have been complaints from children and parents around Memphis, TN area, stating Children are being neglected, mistreated and corporal punishment has been inflected on some children. The City of Memphis Licensure has sent out emails and flyers with policies, procedures and guidelines when disciplining a child under the TN Licensure law. Now this is another issue on top of  tunes of inequality children and their family has to endure, when enrolling their child/children in childcare in TN.

                             *What opportunities or requirements for professional development exist:

With child abuse and neglect towards children has always been a major concern for me, I feel that teachers “NEED/MUST” be screened and background checks should be mandatory in every state. And when I say screened, I’m talking more along the lines as psychological screening. Many EC educators that are not experienced or have the education to understand/work with children or not equipped to handle the challenges that comes along with the job. Professionally speaking; extended training and highly effective training should be giving at least once a year for educators to continuously understand the ever changing field.

                                                                *My Professional goals:

I have many professional goals, but my major professional goals would be to continue working hard to make EC development fun and exciting for children. Always remember that the job I do is not about me, but all about children and their families. I look forward to many changes in this field; some good and some bad, but I will take the good and make do with the bad, to strive for a better future when working with children. My long-term professional goal; would be contributing as much as I can so that children and families will benefit from it. As Dr. Vasquez stated, “contribution today will pay off for tomorrow.”

                                 Professional Hopes, Dreams, and Challenges:

I hope that one day the early childhood field want be so complex; reasoning being research and studies has shown that children need to be introduced to early child education, so that they can develop high cognitive, social and emotional skills. EC education is so important in a child’s life.

My dream is to see the early childhood field prosper and recognized like any other field/career. And that children and families across this nation will be respected and welcomed into EC programs because we all want what is best for our children; and cultural has nothing to do with that.

Challenges: Because EC education has been so complicated for many many years, it will take just as long to fix, reinforce and demand policies and put them into practice to change the stigma/reputation placed on this field. And this is from EC educators pay, politicians laws, to issues with enforcing these laws. The list goes on. There will forever be challenges that we must face in this ever changing field. As EC educators, knowing and staying up-to-date on what is going on locally and internationally is imperative.

Getting to know International Contacts Part 3

Hello fellow Colleagues, unfortunately I have yet to hear from any of the International contacts that I contacted in week 1 of the course. I have been utilizing most of the alternatives web links. I chose to read/review the issues pertaining to monitoring children closely for their well being depends on it; under UNESCO website.

                   Title: Better monitoring the insight for the well-being of the children.

On September 12-13 around thirty experts around the country joined together in UNESCO to develop a holistic index to improve states on how to help improve progress towards EC care and education (ECCE).   This is the first to the Education for All (EFA).

HECDI which stands for Holistic Early Childhood Development Index was created in December of 2010 and includes childhood development experts from the Bernard van Leer Foundation, Un Kilo de Ayuda (Mexico), Save the Children, UNESCO, UNICEF, the WFP, the WHO and the World Bank.

The HECDI intends to overcome the existing fragmented perspectives on EC by adopting a holistic vision of monitoring children from the prenatal period to age eight.

                                The Following Elements will be measured:

 *Integrated aspects of ECCE policy and programming at a national and subnational level

*Legal protection of children * social protection and child welfare

 *Social-emotional and cognitive development

*Access and quality of early childhood care and education

*Health and nutrition

Over one hundred members state and other EC educators stakeholders that are participating in this world conference on Early child Care and Education is existing challenges in improving the well-being of young children. 


Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sharing Web Resources Week 6

I chose this Website because I had never viewed it before. This website had information pertaining to children and poverty and the life long affects it have on the development of children. I thought this would be a very informative site to share with my colleagues.

The Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) is an interdisciplinary organization of scientists, established in 1933 by the National Academy of Science.

Social Policy Report Food Insecurity is Harmful to Children Development:

                                                              Why Does This Matter
In 2009, 21.3 percent of American household with children experienced food insecurity, which means they had limited or uncertain economic downturn even more children may be at risk. Food insecurity is a public health problem with serious consequences for children including greater likelihood of depression, anxiety defects, poor academics performance, birth defects and behavior problems.

                                                              Policies Implications 

*Reduce Food insecurity and empower ourcomes for children; policy makers should work to assure that the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) an entitlement that does not face budget cuts when it's reauthorized.
*Work to reach eligible families and programs; make public food assistance programs for families more accessible and less difficult to administer and reward state for streamlining enrollment and reaching eligible families.

 Poverty has been one of the Issues we have discussed  in today's society pertaining to development of Early Childhood:

*Society for Research supports efforts to reduce poverty since issues of hunger and uncertainty about food availability often though not always co-occur with poverty.

*Focus on both the public and private food support programs; with to improve connection  between public and private sector programs.

                                                                 Research says:

Children in food insecure households are at increased  risk for physical problems, Academic problems, Psych social difficulties.  

The website I chose at the beginning of the course was

Because Social Justice is a very important topic all over the "world" when implementing polices, procedures and other important issues pertaining to the betterment of children and families; this information under world forum foundation I found to be helpful from this website.

*The Capacity to Enhance Social Capital and Services Provision for families and young Children:

Worldwide, growing evidence attests to the importance of effective early care and education services. Initiatives such as the Early Excellence Centres in the UK suggest that access to, and awareness and responsiveness of community services are enhanced when the services are integrated. It is also possible that services integration has the potential  to build community social capital.

This information presents some of the findings from phase one of a collaborative study between QUT and several government and non-government organizations into establishment and ultimately, effectiveness, of two community hubs are focused on the provision  of integrated child care and early childhood services but include family support services, parenting support, health services, community activities and education services. This investigation was underpinned by social capital theory. The data gathered was collected from community surveys and interviews in a rural and urban Queen locality.

Information that added to my understanding of Equity and Excellence and Equity:

This website reminded me that Social Justice and the reinforcement of Excellence and Equity is imperative all around the world. Sometimes we can get caught up with issues and trends right here in America and have a tendency to not be mindful that it's other countries facing the same challenges that we face in advocating for Social Justice and excellence/equity for all children.

Understanding that Continuous effort in advocating/fighting for what is right for children and families all around the country is an long time commitment. And to know that we must never give up on making sure children and families who are not being seen or heard, but through our voices as early childhood educators, advocates and etc. I'm believing that fighting for equity and excellence for children and families will come to an end, but until that day comes; we are not to give up our duties, because children early childhood education and future for that matter depends upon it.     


Society for Research in Child Development 

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Issues pertaining to Equity and Excellence

Children Mental Health has been an issue that been an interest of mine for many years. Mental Health is a concerned that massively under addresses issues that has significant implication for the broader health and development of children and societies. It is an urgent need to identify the scope of the problem across countries (Global Center Initiative, 2006).

Children in Crisis and Conflicts Situation Harvard Humanities Initiative and Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights at the Harvard School of Public Health, both of which have extensive experiences working in emergency situation across the world. The goal is to collaborate their science-base development perspective into assessment and management of child well-being; while focusing immediate circumstances and long-term adaption. 


“Global Children’s Initiative” website (

The Three focuses around Global Initiative...

1. Reframe the public discourse about EC; by educating high level decision makers about the common underlying science of learning.

2. To support innovation, multidisciplinary research and demonstration projects in certain countries or regions to expand global understanding of how healthy development happens, how it can be derailed, and how to get back on track.

3. To build leaderships capacity in child development, research and policy among individual and institution in low and middle income countries in order to increase the number and influence of diverse perspective that are contributing to the Global movement on behalf of young children.

There are two priorities that Global Children's Initiative focuses on:

1. Is to reach as many people who play a vital role in the investment of EC through scientific framework.

2. Apply new knowledge that addresses the health and development needs of young children in a variety settings.   

Getting to know International Contacts Part 2

Under the Global Center Initiative I read some very important information regarding the future of our children in the United Sates and on a International level.

Center on The Developing Child was founded in 2006. The purpose of the Global Initiative is to educate all who are involved in making decisions in lives of children. The information presented is to inform how crucial  EC development is in children's lives. Children are to reach their full potential to become productive and responsible citizens. "Healthy child development as the foundation of economic prosperity, strong communities, and a just society" (Global Center Initiative, 2006).

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Sharing Resources Part 2

                                             *Information relevant to my professional development:

This week I read information from the ZeroToThree newsletter about Supporting the Developement of Infants and Toddlers in the Child-Welfare Systems.

There is a call to action on behalf of meltreated Infants and Toddlers.....

The discussion focused on the need to infuse child welfare policies and practices for Infants and Toddlers with the science of early childhood development created by leading early childhood development and child welfare organization.

The discussion lays out the element of a developmental approch.

The New Family Services Improvement and Innovation Act requires states to report strategies for adddressing the developemental needs of Infants and Toddlers in their care, making this a timely topic for for states.

                                    *Statement that made me think in a new way:

I had no idea that Infants and Toddlers are the largest single group entering Foster Care. And sad to say that thirty-one percent of children entering care are under three and remain in care 50 percent longer than older children. This is too many children that are being placed in Foster Care systems.

                                *How Scientist support the Early Childhood field:

Scientist states that during this pivotal period of development, meltreatment can alter the brain achiteture and lead to lifelong problems. And if Foster Care practices is not attuned to developmental needs, this can compound the damage. This time provides a window for successful interventions.

                                           *Insights of Issues and Trends in EC:

 The prevalence of infants and toddlers in child welfare systems, the compelling evidence on the developmental impact of maltreatment and elements of a system that put science into action ( Because child maltreatment has become one of the leading cause of death and neglect to the children in our country; as an early childhood provider, I will do all that I can do to become more involved/active in making a change in this area.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Urban Social Security Reform

Because the economy has been in a great recession, social security has had to adapt to protect people from different forms of poverty.

In 1992 Urban areas, only people without work, with no savings and with no family to depend on were eligible for financial support (CHIP). Though this is the main form of social relief in urban China, there are concerns that the amounts allocated are too small to meet people's basic needs (CHIP).
And needless to say there are still a significant amount of people that are excluded because they are unregistered migrants or are disqualified by local adminstrations.

I hope you find my blog information pertaining to Poverty in China be resourceful. And as always, I look forward to reading your as well.

Childhood Poverty

4.2 million China children live in absolute poverty and 8.7 million live in disadvantage condition (CHIP). Since the early 90's a number of children living in poverty has declined. China has one of the
highest levels in education and health verses many other countries. Life expectancy during birth is 71 years and 85 percent of the population over 15 years of age is literate.

Recent studies suggest that the health and education reform are reducing poor families ability to make use of these vital services (CHIP).

A study in Beijing which happens to be China richest city found that 75 percent of poor families could not afford education cost for all of their children, such as tuituion fees and stationary cost; whereas 50 percent of poor families in Shanghai had no medical insurance because they could not afford it.  

Child Poverty Research and Policy centre (CHIP)

While the funded phase of the CHIP programme is now over, this website is intended to be a resource for policy makers, practitioners and activists concerned about childhood poverty. It contains policy briefings, research reports, photos, case studies and links on a wide range of issues related to childhood poverty, all of which can be accessed via the menus at the left and bottom of each page. This website will continue to exist until at least 2007 (CHIP).
CHIP was funded by the UK Department for International Development, Save the Children and the Chronic Poverty Research Centre (CHIP).

                                  What I have learned from the website

China population in Poverty:

China is the world's most populous country with a population of 1.27 billion people in 2001. By the year of 2001 child population lived below the national poverty line. As of today, China poverty has reduced a great deal. According to offical statistics, poverty has estimated to have fallen from 250 million in 1978 to 35 million in 2000. Economic and social transition has played the vital part in declining poverty.

China transition from acentrally planned to a globalished market economy has helped reduced chronic poverty and disadvantage but has also created new forms of poverty (CHIP).

China recieves more foreign investment than any other country in the world other than the United States (CHIP).

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Other Information I learned from the resources...

Child Abuse and Neglect: Impact on a Child

Early experiences powerfully shape the developing brain and can both immediate and lifelong impact on health and well-being. All areas of development are closely intertwined in the early years, so physical harm can damage emotional, social, coginitive, and language development. Younger children make up a larger proportion of abuse and neglect victims than do older children, and most likely to experience serious harm and longer foster care placement. Young children can recovery from early maltreatment due to rapidity of early development and the capacity of the growing brain to respond to new experiences. With early support and intervention maltreated infants and toddlers healthy development can be restored (The National Child Traumatic Stress Network). 

Issue/Trend that caught my attention...

The reason I wanted to share with everyone the importance of preventing child abuse and neglect is because, these issue has become more predominate in todays society. Child abuse and neglect has affected over 10 million children in the U.S in the last five years. Since being an early childhood teacher, I have become very close and protective of the children I come in contact with. My soul purpose of developing relationships with families is to not just be their child's teacher but to become a net work/resource for the parent as well. We never know what a parent maybe going through mentally, phsically, or even financially. I truly believe that gaining relationships/partnerships with parents would help encourage them to be more open and honest with you.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services States:
·         Although we like to think of the early years as filled with joy, excitement, learning and growth. For most babies, this is the case. It is also true that rates of child maltreatment are highest for the youngest children, with children most at risk in the earliest weeks and months of life.

·         Along with their older family members, very young children can be subject to trauma. Trauma can be defined as experiencing or witnessing an event that causes or threatens injury or death. Child maltreatment and other interpersonal violence 2 can be a source of trauma, as the sudden or violent loss of a loved one, and natural and human-caused disasters.

·         This section includes resources on responding to the needs of the youngest children and their families when they have been impacted by maltreatment, violence, loss, or disaster.

Resources: Zero To Three: Highlights From the 25th National Training Institute

The National Training Institute conference focus this year will be addressing Issues and Trends on Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect.

Description of the Organizations focus: The PCAN training and curriculum gives trainers resources with, which to prepare child care professionals to play a role in the primary and prevention of child maltreatment. The full purpose of the training is to help child care providers to purposefully use their every day relationships with parents to build "protective factors" into their programs.

 Research shows that protective factors, such as providing a welcoming atmosphere for parents or offering resources on early childhood development, can help to lower the risk of child abuse and neglect (www.ZeroToThree).

Professionals will be trained in the areas:

*Preventing abuse and neglect of infants and toddlers

*Working effectively with infants, toddlers and their families

*Recognize the role of culture in working with very young children and their families

*Supporting directions in helping staff create partnerships with parents

Who Should Attend:

Experienced trainers with expertise in early care and education and or child abuse and neglect

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Part 2, Expanding Resources

 I'm still awaiting to hear from my contacts.

Would like to share some resources that I thought would be an intrest to you.


Under Global Alliance, there is an application form that you can fill out to recieve information on up coming conferences thats affiliated with NAECY: Promoting excellence in early childhood education.

Electronically submitte to Matt Seiler

or mail to Attention Matt Seiler Coordination Affiliate Relations
                                       1313 L. Street NW suite 500
                                        Washington, DC 20005
                                         United States of America

Subscribed to

I signed up for the newsletter: Little Kids, Big Questions:  

Looking forward to learning new information and reading your blogs. Wishing each and every one of my colleagues nothing but the best in your Educational Journey in Child Development @Walden.

Part 1; Establishing Professional Contacts

Hello fellow colleagues as of today I have yet recieved an email from any of the five professionals in which I contacted early part of the week. Being that these contacts are outside of the country; we all are on a different time frame; therefore, I must take their time and schedule into consideration, and hope that I will recieve feed back some time next week.

I'm very interested in learning and gaining information pretaining to all countries on child development procedures, policies and practices, but Africa has always been a country of intrest to me. And learning about Issues and Trends in the Early Childhood area in their country would be phenomenal. In the mean time, I would like to share what I did read about Issues and Trends in Early Childhood education in Africa.

Information obtained:

Topic: Critical Issues in Early Childhood in Africa, By; Barnabas Otaala, Ed.D

People all over the country is struggling with most of the same issues, particular in developing countries such as Africa; endures hunger, rapid population growth, unemployment, poor health, and preventable death of millions of children, wide-spread environmental degradation, and education system thats inadequate for countries needs and people aspirations.

"But the world is at a threshold of a new century, with all its promises and possibilities, with the cumalative experience of reform and innovation. In the case of children, a number of international events in favour of children have marked the last few years"(Olasumbo S. Apanpa, Ph.D (Nigeria).

To name several:

1.The Alma International WHO conference which took place in 1978.

2. The Child-to-Child movement  was started in 1979 shortly after the Alma Ata conference which launched the world-wide commitement to spreading the concept of Primary Health Care (PHC), in preparation for the International year of the (IYC) in 1979.

3. The ratification by the United Nations of the Convention of the Rights of the Child in 1989.

4. The passage by the Organization of Africa Unity of Africa Charter on the Rights and Welfare of  the child.

I'm looking forward to communicating through email with professionals in other parts of the country to learn about all aspects when it comes to Early Childhood development.


Saturday, October 15, 2011


Work Challenges:

As a child Care provider; I've had to deal with challenge pertaining to parents. Some parents seem to not value child care providers as professional teachers. Why? I really do not know. I do know that I value my job and what I do daily to make a difference in the lives of children. And not having that support from staff, parents can make my job stressful. I make it my business to meet/greet parents and children in the morning and evening; even when certain parent do not speak. I just find it to be very disturbing for parent's to not acknowledge their child's teacher. To me it saying to the child, "I have little or any respect for this teacher; so therefore you don't have to respect them as well." There are days I love my job and what I do as an early child care teacher. And than there are days when I feel I can't do this anymore. But than, I may call Alvin and he would say, " Just hang in there, don't give up." Some parents need to understand how important child care teachers need their support. Our jobs are already stressful enough; why add on unnecessary stress by not being kind, helpful and supportive.

I may not get the moral support I need at work, but I definitely receive it from home. Some days I come home and just be an emotinal wreck and my family is there to give me the emotional boost that I need. Without my family and fiance, I couldn't amagine functioning normally.

It does not matter what our career path are, we all need a support system to help us maintain daily. Imagine life without people who care or reliable sources, now that is something to really think about.

"My Support"

The definition of support to me is someone who holds your best interest to heart;  people or things we can rely and depend on.

I would have to say my main support system is"Christ" I lean and depend on Christ through the good times and bads times.

 Outside of my relationship with Christ, than I would have to say my "Family"

My Family; Mother, siblings, children, and my fiance have all been my foundation.

My Fiance, Alvin is my motivator. He encourges me to never give up on my dream.

My mother is my jewel, she is a very strong woman and she raised her children to be the same way. I can call my mother anytime of the day and she is there for me.

My siblings; my oldest sister lives in Minnesota, she's not only my oldest sister, but she's my best friend as well. We can talk about anything and I don't have to worry about being judged. I know that she's going to tell me what is right and I love her for that.

My daily calender and note book:

My daily calender and notebook is my keepsake/bestfriend that I could not survive without. My schedule from day to day is so extremely busy that sometimes I don't know if I'm going or coming. I need my daily calender to help me stay focus and organized. I also document up coming events, assignments, and appointments. My notebook is my second brain, I take notes on everything, from school work to what I experineces in a day. It's like a journal for me.

I benefit something from each person/thing that I named in my support system;

"Christ"-my bible is my foundation

"Family"-is my rock/support system

"Children"-are my encouragement, they play a big part of the reason I'm motivated

"Alvin is a wonderful man/person that Christ Blessed us to reconnect after twenty-five years. He has really been supportive of me working towards my Master's and I love him for that.

"Calender/notebook- helps me to stay oragnized and focused on my every day duties, assignments and future events.

The difficulties without my support system

If I did not have these people or things to help me stay focus and sane in maintaining my daily duties, task, adversities, and obsticles, I don't know what I would do. Life will bring us all types of debacles, and having that support system in our lives will make things a little more easier to deal with. One person can't manage life adversities and obsticles without having someone to vent/talk to. I know that I can't. I'm very greatful for the people and things that I rely on and need to help make my life a bit more easier. 

I could not amagine my life without anyone in my support system; for they all bring value and support in my life. As I stated before; my relationship with Christ has grounded and rooted me to the person I'm today. My mother is my rock she has impacted my life in so many different ways. Growing up she raised us to treat people the way in which we wanted to be treated. I have tried to live by this saying all my life. I instilled the same values in my children as they were growing up. She would always say, "It is nice to be nice." My children are grown now, but they have always been my reason for wanting to do better in life. I wanted to be an example for them; therefore they would hopefully walk in my footsteps. Education is something I value and I encourge my children to get a college education for one day it will pay off and be well needed.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Role of "Play"

My thoughts of role on "play," now and when I was a child; it is essential for children to be introduced to "play," but in a positve form. Children need to experience as many forms of positve "play" as to their developmental growth. Growing up, we all played together in the neighborhood and in pre-school. I remember playing with friends and experiencing times, were I may have cried or my feelings got hurt, but in the end, I learned different types of "play." Play is beneficial for children to go through in order to grow and learn from. I learned problem-solving skills, and how to deal with certain things through interacting with my peers. It is crucial in todays early childhood programs for children to experinces "play." Play stimulates children thoughts and allows them to make their on decisions. It is crucial for children to experience and learn things on thier own; this enables them to grow into productive individuals. Play is the first opportunity for children to discover the world in which they live in (Jona K. Anderson-McNamee, 2010).

Play is important because it is the way in which children are able to to use and reflect on their experiences, to represent their ideas and to ask answer questions that preoccupy them (Smidt 2006).

Entry on "Play"

In terms of the differences in "play," when growing up as a child as to now with children, is not much of a difference. We have to understand that times have changed tremendously with children and what they're introduced to in todays society; some are good and bad. I remember my Aunt who passed away a year ago saying, "Times are not like they use to be." And this statement is very much so when it comes down to children in the early childhood, in terms of "play." Children learn from adults; therefor we must introduce children to postive "play" regardless of what type of play they maybe experiencing out side of the early childhood environment.

My hopes for children in our today's society to be introduced to postive "play." Play is healthy for children to grow and develop. Developmentalist believe that play is the most productive and enjoyable activity that children undertake (Elkind, 2007).  

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Childhood "Play"

Growing up as a child all the children in the neighborhood played together. It didn't matter what type of game we played, we all played. We all got a long and played well togther. Looking back on my childhood play; I would not have ever thought that the games we played together and the interaction between us, played a vital part in our developmental growth. Parents encouraged children to play together. The role of play was just as important than as it is now; just wasn't acknowledge as it is today.

Essential Pictures of "Play"

Whether children are building blocks, painting or running, these are all a forms of "play." Children are developing social skills, while enteracting with one another. Their developing while using their small motor skills. 

"MY Connections to Play"


*Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning. They have to play with what they know... to be true and in order to find out more, and they can use what they learn in new forms of "Play."
                                                                     Fred Rogers of Mister Rogers Neighborhood

*It is a happy talent to know how to "Play."

                           Ralph Waldo Emerson

*It is paradoxical that many educators and parents still differentiate between a time for learning and a time for "play" without seeing the vital connection between them

                                                                           Leo Buscaglia, author, educator

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Relationships/Partnerships impact my work as an Early Childhood Educator

Being a positive and effective childcare educator all begins with who you are as an individual. We are mothers/fathers, siblings, Aunts/Uncles and etc first. Once we understand what is our earhtly purpose of being here, than we can understand what is set forth for our lives. I'm a caring and loving person and have always had the desire to work with children. I knew my passion and calling was to be a teacher when I was a young girl. I worked in the high school level for almost nine years and in the begining, I really enjoyed what I did. But it seemed as though something was missing. During this time, I would volunteer at my daughter's school and would be filled with so much joy being around younger children. They are so sweet and curious at this age level. One day I woke up and had an epiphany; my calling was to work with younger children. I put a two week notice in with my job and was hired exactly two weeks later with the company I'm currently with now and have been for almost five years. Over the course of these years, I have learned things that I will take with me through my educational journey. The good and the bad have help me become a better person and teacher. Without challenges, how could we grow and become better teachers? We learn from our mistakes and we strive to do better. I know without a doubt, that my experiences in the past will and  have caused me to be a better person and a better teacher.

Characteristics of Relationships that makes Partnerships

 We as educators should always look for new ways to build positive relationships with children and their  families as we would our own. Understanding one another differences; whether through, race, cultural, or religion. In order to build healthy relationships and allow these relationships to grow into partnership, we must never be intentionally bias towards people because they are from a different background. We all share the same values and norms, and that is helping children, families and our own loves ones be productive individuals and live healthy lives. Healthy relationships can turn into productive partnerships. Team work is a an effort that we must implement in our personal lives as well as our careers.

Insights regarding Challenges in Relationships..

I'm a firm believer that once we know better we do better. What builds strong relationships/partnerships is learning from past mistakes and making better choices when dealing with situations in the future. Last year I thought that I had build a relationship with a parent and I shared information that I thought she would benifit from. I noticed some things about her child that I felt  as a teacher needed to be brought to the Mother's attention. I shared with her that maybe she should consider getting the child screen. Apparently she became defensive; two days later my director called me into her office and stated, she needed to speak with me concerning a complaint. I knew right away who and what it was about. After this incident, I promised to never offer my opinion pertaining to someone child cognitive developmental skills. Yet, in the teacher hand book states "We as teachers must try and build personal relationships with parents, through effective communiation." This incident allowed me to understand that every parent is not going to be open to hear the the truth about whats best for their child. And every parent will not be able to accept constructive criticism when dealing with their child. I have learned new approaches when talking with parents regarding their child cognitive development.

Ways in which Relationships is positive and Maintaining them..

Just like respecting our supervisors or the parent who we come in contact with daily, we must have the same amount of respect or more for our love one's as well. I once read that we often hurt the people who are most closet to us when we are dealing with life issues. I once was very much quilty of this. Before I went through counseling some years ago; I didn't know how to deal with situations and circumstances that came about in my life. Once I learned how to manage my emotions, than everything else fell into place. Understanding the stress from a bad day at work is to never come home with me and me never to take my home life to work, this has helped me in building better and stronger relationships with people in my life, and on my job

Importance of Relationships/Partnerships

It is always good to have positive relationships with people. Now don't get me wrong, we want be able to maintain good relationships with every one. But the ones who are worth our love, friendship, trust and respect than we must remain loyal to those people. My fiance is not only my soon to be husband, but he's my partner as well. He's always been my best friend since were children. Never thought in a million years that he would one day become my husband. As  I stated in my first blog post, my mother, children, family pet and my fiance are the most important people to me. I wish to continue to maintain positive relationship with them through out my life. 

Relationship Reflection

I have build many relationships over the course of the years, with family, friends, coworkers, teacher-parent, with my students and even intimate relationships. But the relationship that I cherish the most is relationships with my Mother, children and my dog Gracie. My children have always been my life line support. When I was working on my Bachelor's of  Arts degree, my children were my motivation to go back to school. And even now they are very supportive of me obtaining my Master's in the future. My Mother is my rock, through out my life people have told me that I look and act like my Mother. Early in life I couldn't see it but as I've gotten older, I can see me so much in her. My mother has always been a strong woman, and a go getter. She taught my siblings and I how to be independent and never give up in what we believe in. Last but not least my baby Gracie. I've had Gracie since she was six weeks old. She is a Pit-Bull. Many people wouldn't dare want a pit-bull for a  pet; well neither did I, until she came into my life two years ago. I wouldn't change having her for nothing in the world. Until people realize that you can have the same relationship with a pit-bulls that you can have with any other dog than they want be sterotyped as much. It's all in how you raise them. Just and how we raise our children. Raise a child in a postive and healthy environment and more than likely they will grow-up into productive individuals and this stands the same with a dog.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Fellow Collegues!!!!

Hello my fellow Colleagues and not good-buy. I'm sure we will meet again. Maybe we will take a course ot to down along the way together. I have really enjoyed your blogs and Discussion Questions reponses. We all had our own advice and expereinces to bring to the course, and this is what made the course interesting. Learning and growing from ane another is what we did. I will take with me from EDUC 6160, opinions, viewpoints and knowledge that I gained from each colleague, and strive for perfection. I wish everyone nothing but the best on their Educational Journey!

Quote from A Contributor in a Sector of the Educational World!

*Part of being who you are has to do with your feelings, which means you have a wide range of emotions-not just constant sunshiny or happiness."

— Janet Gonzalez-Mena

*The moment I decided to follow instead of lead, I discovered the joys of becoming part of a small child's world.
Janet Gonzalez-Mena

This quote is exactly what I stand for. When I say in order to persue a career in the Child Development field you must have a great deal of compassion for children. 

And I have always been the type of person that try and lead by example.. But in the eyes of children, we as caregivers learn from them as well. Each child have something valuable and different to bring into our lives and we take with us their differences and become better caregivers/people ...

When I think about Child Development......

When I think of the developmental stages in children; I Think of Love, Compassion
and Hope. Children are the one's who allow me to be the person that I'm today. And thats a Mother, Caregiver, Teacher/Educator. Understanding and experiencing the growth of children is priceless. Just knowing that I'm allowing children to grow and develope into healthy individuals, is what I plan to take with me throughtout my educational journey at Walden. I do believe that you must first have passion for children before entering into the Child Development Field. It is not something that one just does. The love for children is essential. And it is imperative to know that children lives are trusted upon me. Their future are in my hands "per say"; therefore I'm committed to making them a promise to be the best caregiver that I can possibly be. Children developmental growth highly depends upon me. They are in my care from seven to eight hours a day. Children not only becomes attach to their caregivers, but care givers gain a bond as well.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Personal Comments

I read an artilce under pediatric services, that stated intelligence is like a road each child inherits a certain  potential for developing  intelligence.
The situation a child recieves during the early years provided by adults and caregivers through out the child's own interestes helps determine were the child's intelligence wide up along the road.

I do agree with this statement, because the coginitve development skills starts early in a child's life, And as the child reaches middle school, that childs will be faced with all types of challenges, whether its academic or social skills. And we also can teach our children from birth to sixteen the necessary tools they will need to be intelligent, bright, and smart individuals. Allowing a test score to determines a child capabilities are not very reasonable if reliable to me personally.   

Testing in China

In China all students must prepare for the countries massive multi-day test known as th "gaokao." Each student score on the test determines whether or not they will go to colleage.

Unlike the American  college applicant's SAT score is considered amidst several other factors, the "gaokao" is the only factor that determines a young person's future in China.
At a time when many are pushing the United States towards an education system focused on test scores, than what lesson can be learned from China.

This is exactly what I meant when I explain that children should not be held back from graduating high school because they have yet to master a certain score on a test.

Testing "the whole child"

I was reading that Intelligence testing is one of the most talked about subjects within psychology. But ther is really no standard defination of what exactly constitute "intelligence". And research has suggested that intellegence is a single, general ability. But at the same time others believe that intelligence encompasses a range of aptitudes, skills, and talents.

Me personally believe that children cognitive developmental skills are adapted different throught out life. A child maybe terrible with taking certain test, but is extremly bright academic wise. And the reason why I state this, because I have never been a good test taker, no matter how much I may study. I do well on writing papers, power points and working in a groups. But I have nevered mastered test taking.

No Child Left Behind Law that former President Bush passed in 2001, stated that Annual testing by 2005-06 school year, each state must test students in grades 3-8 each year in math and reading. By 2007-08, students must have been tested in science during elelmentary, middle, and high school. The test must be aligned with state academic standards. And 4th and 8th graders in each state must also participate  the National Assestment progress testing program in reading and math each year, to provide a point of comparison for state results.     

I think children should be tested throught out the early stages of development, elemantary, and middle school. If testing is state wide and mandatory in high school, than thats fine. But we have students who are not graduating from high school, because they didn't pass the Basic Standarize testing, in the areas of Math, Reading and Writing. I just feel there should be other means and ways to see what level students are on before completing high school. Most students who are not good test takers, are very intelligent and bright in these areas. Testing should not lable nor dictate a child's future.

History of Intelligence Testing

Alfred Binet was commissoned to identyfy students who needed educational assistance, thats when the first IQ test was born.

In the 1900's the French Government asked psychologist Alfred Binet to decide which students were more likely to experience difficulty in schools. The Governmemt passed laws requiring that all French children attend school, so it was important to find a way to identify children who would need special assitance.

Binet and a colleague name Theodore Simon began developing a number of questions on things that had not been taught in schools; such as attention, memory, and problem solving skills. Binet used these questions to determine which ones served as the predictors of school success. This is when he discovered that some children were able to answer some question, where as others wasn't.

Alfred Binet Intelligence Test is still used to this day. Binet stressed the limitation of suggesting that intellegence is an influenced by a number of factors and this changes over time, and can only be compared amongs children with similar backgrounds (Siegler, 1992).


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Week One Blog: Child Birth

I choose to share my personal experience of the birth of my daugther; because I will never forget this experience. My daughter, which is my second child was born in Januaury, 1993. She was the most beautifulest baby that I had ever seen. But giving birth to her was horrific, not to sound dramatic, but its the truth. I was in labor for atleast thirteen hours before the nurses gave me any pain medication. When I had my first child, Iwas given pain medication and a spinal block. This is what Doctors' give woman in labor who is just about to deliver. The shot deadens you from the waist down. I felt no pain during this time. Delivering my son was not as complicated as giving birth to my daugher. I could remember telling the nurse to please allow me to have a cesarean section, and she replied by say Ms. Bell you can have this baby through natural birth. I just wanted the baby to come and it didn't matter how. But looking back on it, I'm glad I had natural birth. It is difinetly an experience that I will never be forgotten.

My thoughts on Childbirth and the impact on child development is things have changed tremendously over last 30 years. Today babies being born in the United States, have a better chance of being healthier, because of the proper care in assisting woman in child bearing; which gives babies the opportunity to have healthy lives.

I was reading in chapter four on how women in many Western countries, are going from the traditional way of having babies; which is spending time in the hospital to delivering their babies at home in the bathtube. Even though hospital delivery and stay would be more beneficial for the Mother and baby, the cost is not affordable.

What I gained from this comaprison is that women in the United States are Blessed. We have so much to be thankful for. I will not complain again. It wasn't until I read on how women in other countries delivery their babies, that broke my heart.    


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fairwell, But Not Goodbye!

Fairwell, but not goodbye my fellow classmate. It has been  great meeting everyone on line. I learned so much from everyone and wish you guys nothing but the best. Who know's, we may meet up in our next course together. If not, later on in our online educational journey.

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Importance of Families...

Families* are of primary importance in children’s
development. Because the family and the early childhood
practitioner have a common interest in the child’s
well-being, we acknowledge a primary responsibility to
bring about communication, cooperation, and collaboration
between the home and early childhood program
in ways that enhance the child’s development.

working effectively with families and to stay informed
through continuing education and training.
—To be familiar with the knowledge base related to
create partnerships with the families we serve.
—To develop relationships of mutual trust and
them to participate in the program.
—To welcome all family members and encourage*

Ethical Responsibilities to Families:

Ideals: I will always Honor and Respect...

childhood care and education and to stay informed
through continuing education and training.

Always learning new ways and methods of teaching will enhance the earlychildhood field as well as my career.

abilities, and potential of each child.

Understanding that each child is unique in there own special way, and that every child learns differently. As educators we must respect and appreciate each child for who they are.

ethnicity, and family structure are recognized and
valued in the program.

To make sure each child and their family are respected and acknowledged at all times, regardless of their race, religion, cultural background, and etc. No child should be neglected or treated any different beacause of where their from or values they may hold. 

—To ensure that each child’s culture, language,
—To recognize and respect the unique qualities,
—To be familiar with the knowledge base of early

Code Of Ethics Statment.

Reading the Code of Ethics, there where many to choose from, and each one serves an important pupose in the lives of children:

Core values
Standards of ethical behavior in early childhood care
and education are based on commitment to the following
core values that are deeply rooted in the history of
the field of early childhood care and education. We
have made a commitment to
of the human life cycle
Appreciate childhood as a unique and valuable stage
and learn
Base our work on knowledge of how children develop
and family
Appreciate and support the bond between the child
supported in the context of family, culture,* community,
and society
Recognize that children are best understood and
individual (child, family member, and colleague)
Respect the dignity, worth, and uniqueness of each
Respect diversity in children, families, and colleagues
potential in the context of relationships that are based
on trust and respect
Recognize that children and adults achieve their full

Saturday, June 4, 2011

"Three additional Resources"....
Provide resources and Technical assistance to National State and County welfare professional agencies.
Timeline of a major federal legislation concerned with child welfare, child welfare and adpotion
Association of sites Advocating Child Protection. ASACP, works with U.S Customs Services and the FBI to enforce anti-child pornography laws.

Course Resource Section:

Passion, Motivation, Wisdom..

Renatta M. Cooper, from the video clearly amplifies passion, motivation and wisdom when working with children and their families. She states. working with families are very entense, but she feels it her duty to meet the expectation of the children and their families. She feels that we as educators must stay current with what is going on with policies makers and etc when it comes down to law making decisons. She talked about two people in her lives, who are no longer living. Ace- Inspired and pushed her to always continue to learn more and never get to comfortable. Always look for new resources.

QUOTE from Renatte M. Cooper,  "Arm knowledge with only of the past that we have to prepare children for the future".

Leticia Lora, is another person from the video that I admired. She was very well spoken and resourceful. She stated that her motivation and encouragemant came from her family and friends. She stated as professions, working with children, we have to development internal and external skills, resource skills, and advocacy skills. It is important to take on these skills for early intervention.

QUOTE from Leticia Lora, "Education is an internal research". What I took from this statement is that when working with children and their families, as a professional person, you have to have the passion, love, and wisdom from within to do what you do. And to never just seattle, always look for new ways to be resourceful and knowledgable; so that you can offer your best to children and their families. 

EXCERPTS From Malcolm W. Watson

Professor Malcolm W. Watson intoduces The six theories of Human Development. Two of the theories that he introduces is: Social and Attachment Theory.

Erik Erikson states, "Human development stages, spanned our entire lives, not just our childhood". And this statment is what encourages me to understand the early stages of childhood to adults. Understanding our up bringing as children comfirms who we are as adults.

John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth's; the Attachment theory, focuses on the "primary of formation Parent-child relationship." This is another interesting theory. Understanding the relationship we have with our parents, play a very vital role in the relationships we build with our spouses, friends, and etc.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Important things that I remember....

I remember when I was in Mr. Putnam's classroom and the class had to write a paper about what we wanted to be when we grew-up.  Mr. Putnam ask me did I really want to be a Lawyer. And I said I think so. He said that one day he could see me in leadership. He never stated to what capacity. But looking back on it. He always told me that I like talking and being the leader. I guess now I understand what he meant. I love talking with my students and enjoy reading to them. I enjoy teaching.

Describe how each person influence continuesn to impact..

My Mother, til this day continues to support me in my goals. I don't believe if my Mother wasn't so nuturing and loving that I would be a good mother to my children and a nuturing teacher towards my students. 

With all my teachers growing up, each one brought something positive into the classroom. Coach Cain, was compassionate for the needs of the students. Mrs. Williams was loving and caring. Mrs. Johnson, was nuturing and caring also. Mr. Putnam was tuff but fair, and wanted to see children reach thier highest potential. My Mother and teacher's that I named, are the reason I have the love for what I do.

Describe each person...

Juanita Bell-McCoy is my Mother. My Mother was the best Mom, any child could ask for. She was a good cook, and baker. She always cooked big Sunday dinners. My Mother took care of me when I was sick. She nutured me from the chicken pox to fallen off my bike. She told all her children how much she loved us growing up. And that love a nuturing has stayed with me through out life. My Mother is the reason I'm the woman I'm today.

Mrs. Williams was my fourth grade reading teacher. She was so sweet to me. She would always help me when I was having a hard time with words. She would always say take you time and sound it out. She never gave up on her students and she cared for our well being.

Mrs. Johnson was my fifth grade teacher, she was my mentor and role model. She always made her children feel special. Some fridays she would give the class a picnic for doing well on our spelling words for the week. She never mistreated or was mean in no kind of way. She told me to STOP saying what you can't do and start saying what you can. She was like my Mom away from home.

Mr. Putnam, was my seventh grade English teacher. I love this teacher. He challenged me to do my best, evenwhen I struggled. I will never forget Mr. Putnam because he gave tuff love. Teacher's like him don't come e very day. He was tuff, but fair and his passion for teaching was so evident.

Coach Cain, was my eigth grade Science teacher and my Gym teacher. He was so cool. He understood what kids went through when they couldn't afford gym uniforms, he would just allow students to wear what they had, as long as it represented the school colors. He showed students love an compassion. He died about three years ago. Coach Cain left a legacy for students who came in contact with him.

Personal Childhood Web...

Juanita Bell- McCoy,  Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Johnson, Coach Cain, and  Mrs. Johnson

Personal Childhood Web...

Five people who natured and cared about me when I was a child:

 Juanity Bell-McCoy,  Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Putnam, Coach Cain, and Mrs. Williams.

Monday, May 16, 2011

My passion for the Early Childhood Development

I really didn't have a picture of a child's drawing, but I do have a strong passion for Children. It brings me great joy in seeing children grow and bring creativity to the classroom. We do a lot of art work, painting, and drawing within my class. Children never seems to amaze me of how creative they can be. It is my life long commitment to be the best teacher, leader, mentor, role model that I can possibly be to every child I may come in contact with.