Saturday, May 12, 2012

My Family Culture

My Family Culture

If my life took a turn for the worst and I experienced such catastrophic incident, the three most important items I would bring would be my bible, a family picture, and keep sake item of my dog Gracie.

1.    My bible is a book that I turn to in a time of refuge. It has rooted and grounded me into the person I am today. My faith and belief in Christ has given me the strength to do the impossible.
2.    Having a picture of family who was not able to come or may have lost connection during this incident would remind me of our time spent (Memories).
3.    Knowing that my dog Gracie wouldn’t be able to come, I would have to take a picture of her with me. I love my dog just as much as I love my children.
If I were told to give up the other two items upon arrival, as pain for it maybe, it would have to be the photos of my family who was left behind or I lost connection with and my bible. Some people may find it a bit strange for me to give up my bible. But I’m pretty familiar with most of the scriptures in the bible. I would have to keep the photo of my dog Gracie. I’m such an animal lover that I truly believe knowing that I couldn’t see my dog anymore would just be devastating to my heart.

My insights in regards to leaving this country to migrate to another country would be hard, but knowing that my family is with me would make the transition easier. I believe after a while becoming adapted to the lifestyle of this other country wouldn’t be so hard. Of course anything you are accustomed to and you have to give that up is always difficult.  What we practice in our country in regards to accepting other culture beliefs this would be our time to embrace those feelings

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