Saturday, February 2, 2013

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: National/Federal Level

Federal: Department of children and families Services is a federal funded organization that was developed many years ago. This program offers different types of assistance to children and families all around the country, assistance like; foster care, child abuse/neglect hotline, adoption programs and etc. This is definitely an organization that I would be honored to work for in the future. This organization offers children and families the assistance they need on every level; there is no one particular assistance that they provide for children and families, they offer many different services; therefore, what interest me the most is being able to advance within this company.  While observing their employment website, I noticed their looking to recruit and hire people who have a social worker or related field degree; such as Human Services that are willing to assist families in Foster Care, Adoptions and Welfare. My Bachelor’s degree is in Human Services which meets the educational qualifications for this career.

Federal: WIC stands for Women, Infants, and Children and is also called the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program. WIC is a federal program designed to provide supplemental food to low-income pregnant, postpartum and breastfeeding women, infants and children until the age of five. WIC has proven to be effective in preventing and improving nutrition related health problems (Department Families Services, 2013). This would be another organization that I would be interested in working for because they are providing services to low-income women and children’s within the community. I did not see where they are hiring in this department. As my passion lies with helping families that are struggling from poverty; WIC would be an organization that would be beneficial for me to work for because I know that I’m making a difference.

National: NCCP stands for National Center for Children in Poverty which is one of the nation’s leading public policy center dedicated to promoting the economic security, health, and well-being of America’s low-income families and children (NCCP, 2013). NCCP uses research to inform policy and practice with the goal of ensuring positive outcomes for the next generation. This organization promotes family-oriented solutions at the state and national levels. Since becoming a student at Walden, most of my information used in my research has been obtained from this organization. The company mission is dedicated in helping to change the lives of children and families who are living in poverty; which is my passion as well. I would not mind doing volunteer work for NCCP; for most of their positions are well out of my educational/career experience. On their career site, they are looking for an Associate Research Scientist (Demographic Research) who holds a Ph. D degree or equivalent in education, training and experience, in sociology, economics, public health, public policy or a related discipline, plus five (5) years of experience (NCCP, 2013). But overall, I would forever reference to this site for it offers very informative research as to what I will need to help build my Community of Practice.    



  1. Dear Carrie,

    You made a great selection on federal and national organization where you want to work and be a part of. I believe that you will be a valuable member of any organization you will choose because of your passion and commitment to your profession. Although I have only known you through our discussion and blogs, I have seen your desire to work with families and children that are stricken by poverty and make a difference in your special way. I wish you good luck and hope that your passion will continue to grow and be more committed to serving our families and children even after our course is done. Thank you for your blog post.

    1. Hi Anabel, I really appreciate all of your positive feed back; for it encourages me to continue to be an advocate for children and families. I also see that your passion is to help make a difference in the lives of children; therefore, I encourage you as well to keep up the great work that you do!

  2. Carrie,

    Department of children and families Services sounds like a job that I will be interested in as well. I do have a question....Is this Child Protetective Services with The Department of Social Services or is it something different?

    1. Hi Lavonda, actually it is with the Department of Children and Families Services.

  3. Hi Carrie,

    I actually was interested in working within the WIC department in my county. I called during my senior year(of undergrad)in order to do an internship. When inquiring, the supervisor informed me that I should have a degree or minor in nutrition or child development. I really wanted to work within the WIC department because I felt as if my impact would begin before birth, with is also such a critical time in a child's life. Great choice of organizations!

    1. Hi LaQuasia, that sounds great! Anytime you know that you are able to work some where so that you are helping to make a difference in the lives of children is always an incentive. Look like you have obtain the requirements this job is looking for. I wish you the best!

  4. Hi Carrie,

    You have chosen some great organizations, and I like how you are willing to volunteer even though you cannot work with the organization right now. Sometimes we gain the best experiences through volunteering. I am also working towards helping low-income families, and will definitely use the NCCP site in the future. Thanks so much!

    Shannon Brown
