this week's blog assignment had me to think long and hard about someone who has
competent communication skills. I have met many people in my life that demonstrates
positive and effective communication, but competent; where the person is clear
from beginning to end is quite hard. But because we are able to use a
politician for an example, I would have to say President Obama. He's has a
tendency to speak very well and keep me engaged as to what he has to say next, that’s
how effective his communication skills are and should be.
Obama is someone I would like to model my own personal communication behavior after
of, reason being; if I can catch an audience attention and keep them focus for
a long period of time and their just as engaged at the end of my speak as they
were at the beginning than I know that my communication skills is effective.
is what I set forth when communicating with others.
means that what we do affects others and what others do affects us (O’Hair,
Wiemann, 2009 p.6). We have to build our lives around affective communicators
and implement that from ourselves to others as well.
I like the quote you use from O'Hair & Wiemann (2009), "interdependence means that what we do affects others and what others do affects us." This is important to reflect on when we are communicating with others. Interactions with others, as well as conversations can have positive or negative consequences. We need to make sure our words are chosen well so that are communications can have a positive impact on others and the message can be carried out effectively.
Hi Carrie...good job using President Obama as an example of an effective communicator. Someone in the public eye carries that extra burden of appealing to everyone. Past presidents haven't been as lucky. As we all remember President Clinton's interdependence was less effective after his scandal broke out.