My Mother, til this day continues to support me in my goals. I don't believe if my Mother wasn't so nuturing and loving that I would be a good mother to my children and a nuturing teacher towards my students.
With all my teachers growing up, each one brought something positive into the classroom. Coach Cain, was compassionate for the needs of the students. Mrs. Williams was loving and caring. Mrs. Johnson, was nuturing and caring also. Mr. Putnam was tuff but fair, and wanted to see children reach thier highest potential. My Mother and teacher's that I named, are the reason I have the love for what I do.
You are very fortunate to have had teachers who mentored and encouraged you. That is what teachers should do, but often they get caught up in the stress of meeting certain educational objectives that they forget their real purpose. I have to constantly remind myself that the student not the curriculum is the most important thing.