Sunday, May 22, 2011

Describe each person...

Juanita Bell-McCoy is my Mother. My Mother was the best Mom, any child could ask for. She was a good cook, and baker. She always cooked big Sunday dinners. My Mother took care of me when I was sick. She nutured me from the chicken pox to fallen off my bike. She told all her children how much she loved us growing up. And that love a nuturing has stayed with me through out life. My Mother is the reason I'm the woman I'm today.

Mrs. Williams was my fourth grade reading teacher. She was so sweet to me. She would always help me when I was having a hard time with words. She would always say take you time and sound it out. She never gave up on her students and she cared for our well being.

Mrs. Johnson was my fifth grade teacher, she was my mentor and role model. She always made her children feel special. Some fridays she would give the class a picnic for doing well on our spelling words for the week. She never mistreated or was mean in no kind of way. She told me to STOP saying what you can't do and start saying what you can. She was like my Mom away from home.

Mr. Putnam, was my seventh grade English teacher. I love this teacher. He challenged me to do my best, evenwhen I struggled. I will never forget Mr. Putnam because he gave tuff love. Teacher's like him don't come e very day. He was tuff, but fair and his passion for teaching was so evident.

Coach Cain, was my eigth grade Science teacher and my Gym teacher. He was so cool. He understood what kids went through when they couldn't afford gym uniforms, he would just allow students to wear what they had, as long as it represented the school colors. He showed students love an compassion. He died about three years ago. Coach Cain left a legacy for students who came in contact with him.

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