Friday, May 25, 2012

Practicing Awareness of Microaggressions

Describe at least one example of a microaggression which you detected this week or remember from another time. In what context did the microaggression happen? What did you think and feel when you observed the microaggression or when you found yourself as the target of a microaggression?

This week topic in regards to racism microaggression can be elaborated in regards to many examples that happen every day in America.

I moved back to the South after living in Minnesota for over nineteen years; did I experience racial microaggression, sure I did, more frequent than others. But it wasn’t until my children and I move to the South when my son experienced it for the first time, and it was so very obvious.
We moved to these apartments in a low income neighborhood, because it was what I could afford at the time. My son was twenty-one years old and had never been in trouble before as a child, teen or young adult. I think the most he had ever done in high school was being caught in the hall without a hall pass; outside of that he was a good kid. He happened to be waiting on a friend that he meet through me job to go sight seeing Tennessee, because he was new to the area. As he waited on her, a Southaven, MS policeman drove by and got out his car to ask my son, “why was he just sitting outside?” and my son replied “I’m waiting on a ride.” He told my son to stand up so that he could check him for weapons, and my son was like what! By this time I could hear the commotion; so by now I’m walking outside to see what was happening. And he told me to step back, I explained that he was addressing my son, and I needed to know what this was about. This man tells me that there was a shooting two blocks over about a week ago and he was just riding by and happen to see my son sitting there, so he took it upon himself to see who my son was. If this was not racial profiling, please tell me what is? I explained to the officer that I have a two year degree in Criminal Justice, and I know my rights. He seemed to have backed off a bit after me saying that. But one thing I have learned about police officer’s, they profile victims are mainly people who live in poverty areas, and minorities. You never see police ride out in the upscale suburbs and harass those people unless they are called out there.

In what ways did your observation experiences this week affect your perception of the effects of discrimination, prejudice, and/or stereotypes on people

Now that there is an educated name for the forms of discrimination, prejudice, and stereotypes, I have gained a much broader perspective in regards to microaggression. I have always tried to live by the notion to treat people accordingly to the way I want to be treated. I try not to judge nor place stigmas on people race, cultural or religion. The statement Dr. Sue made in terms of unintentional microaggression in regards to race can be unintended to be hurtful, but the person receiving the message could be an insulted (Education Inc., 2010).This teaching has help me become mindful and more aware as to how I will address people of other cultural groups on my job or just in every day converstions.

  Course Media: "Microaggressions in Everyday Life" (approximate length: 27 minutes)
In this program, Dr. Derald Wing Sue presents a lecture about the concept of microaggression in everyday life

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