Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Week One Blog: Child Birth

I choose to share my personal experience of the birth of my daugther; because I will never forget this experience. My daughter, which is my second child was born in Januaury, 1993. She was the most beautifulest baby that I had ever seen. But giving birth to her was horrific, not to sound dramatic, but its the truth. I was in labor for atleast thirteen hours before the nurses gave me any pain medication. When I had my first child, Iwas given pain medication and a spinal block. This is what Doctors' give woman in labor who is just about to deliver. The shot deadens you from the waist down. I felt no pain during this time. Delivering my son was not as complicated as giving birth to my daugher. I could remember telling the nurse to please allow me to have a cesarean section, and she replied by say Ms. Bell you can have this baby through natural birth. I just wanted the baby to come and it didn't matter how. But looking back on it, I'm glad I had natural birth. It is difinetly an experience that I will never be forgotten.

My thoughts on Childbirth and the impact on child development is things have changed tremendously over last 30 years. Today babies being born in the United States, have a better chance of being healthier, because of the proper care in assisting woman in child bearing; which gives babies the opportunity to have healthy lives.

I was reading in chapter four on how women in many Western countries, are going from the traditional way of having babies; which is spending time in the hospital to delivering their babies at home in the bathtube. Even though hospital delivery and stay would be more beneficial for the Mother and baby, the cost is not affordable.

What I gained from this comaprison is that women in the United States are Blessed. We have so much to be thankful for. I will not complain again. It wasn't until I read on how women in other countries delivery their babies, that broke my heart.    


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