Saturday, August 20, 2011

Fellow Collegues!!!!

Hello my fellow Colleagues and not good-buy. I'm sure we will meet again. Maybe we will take a course ot to down along the way together. I have really enjoyed your blogs and Discussion Questions reponses. We all had our own advice and expereinces to bring to the course, and this is what made the course interesting. Learning and growing from ane another is what we did. I will take with me from EDUC 6160, opinions, viewpoints and knowledge that I gained from each colleague, and strive for perfection. I wish everyone nothing but the best on their Educational Journey!

Quote from A Contributor in a Sector of the Educational World!

*Part of being who you are has to do with your feelings, which means you have a wide range of emotions-not just constant sunshiny or happiness."

— Janet Gonzalez-Mena

*The moment I decided to follow instead of lead, I discovered the joys of becoming part of a small child's world.
Janet Gonzalez-Mena

This quote is exactly what I stand for. When I say in order to persue a career in the Child Development field you must have a great deal of compassion for children. 

And I have always been the type of person that try and lead by example.. But in the eyes of children, we as caregivers learn from them as well. Each child have something valuable and different to bring into our lives and we take with us their differences and become better caregivers/people ...

When I think about Child Development......

When I think of the developmental stages in children; I Think of Love, Compassion
and Hope. Children are the one's who allow me to be the person that I'm today. And thats a Mother, Caregiver, Teacher/Educator. Understanding and experiencing the growth of children is priceless. Just knowing that I'm allowing children to grow and develope into healthy individuals, is what I plan to take with me throughtout my educational journey at Walden. I do believe that you must first have passion for children before entering into the Child Development Field. It is not something that one just does. The love for children is essential. And it is imperative to know that children lives are trusted upon me. Their future are in my hands "per say"; therefore I'm committed to making them a promise to be the best caregiver that I can possibly be. Children developmental growth highly depends upon me. They are in my care from seven to eight hours a day. Children not only becomes attach to their caregivers, but care givers gain a bond as well.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Personal Comments

I read an artilce under pediatric services, that stated intelligence is like a road each child inherits a certain  potential for developing  intelligence.
The situation a child recieves during the early years provided by adults and caregivers through out the child's own interestes helps determine were the child's intelligence wide up along the road.

I do agree with this statement, because the coginitve development skills starts early in a child's life, And as the child reaches middle school, that childs will be faced with all types of challenges, whether its academic or social skills. And we also can teach our children from birth to sixteen the necessary tools they will need to be intelligent, bright, and smart individuals. Allowing a test score to determines a child capabilities are not very reasonable if reliable to me personally.   

Testing in China

In China all students must prepare for the countries massive multi-day test known as th "gaokao." Each student score on the test determines whether or not they will go to colleage.

Unlike the American  college applicant's SAT score is considered amidst several other factors, the "gaokao" is the only factor that determines a young person's future in China.
At a time when many are pushing the United States towards an education system focused on test scores, than what lesson can be learned from China.

This is exactly what I meant when I explain that children should not be held back from graduating high school because they have yet to master a certain score on a test.

Testing "the whole child"

I was reading that Intelligence testing is one of the most talked about subjects within psychology. But ther is really no standard defination of what exactly constitute "intelligence". And research has suggested that intellegence is a single, general ability. But at the same time others believe that intelligence encompasses a range of aptitudes, skills, and talents.

Me personally believe that children cognitive developmental skills are adapted different throught out life. A child maybe terrible with taking certain test, but is extremly bright academic wise. And the reason why I state this, because I have never been a good test taker, no matter how much I may study. I do well on writing papers, power points and working in a groups. But I have nevered mastered test taking.

No Child Left Behind Law that former President Bush passed in 2001, stated that Annual testing by 2005-06 school year, each state must test students in grades 3-8 each year in math and reading. By 2007-08, students must have been tested in science during elelmentary, middle, and high school. The test must be aligned with state academic standards. And 4th and 8th graders in each state must also participate  the National Assestment progress testing program in reading and math each year, to provide a point of comparison for state results.     

I think children should be tested throught out the early stages of development, elemantary, and middle school. If testing is state wide and mandatory in high school, than thats fine. But we have students who are not graduating from high school, because they didn't pass the Basic Standarize testing, in the areas of Math, Reading and Writing. I just feel there should be other means and ways to see what level students are on before completing high school. Most students who are not good test takers, are very intelligent and bright in these areas. Testing should not lable nor dictate a child's future.

History of Intelligence Testing

Alfred Binet was commissoned to identyfy students who needed educational assistance, thats when the first IQ test was born.

In the 1900's the French Government asked psychologist Alfred Binet to decide which students were more likely to experience difficulty in schools. The Governmemt passed laws requiring that all French children attend school, so it was important to find a way to identify children who would need special assitance.

Binet and a colleague name Theodore Simon began developing a number of questions on things that had not been taught in schools; such as attention, memory, and problem solving skills. Binet used these questions to determine which ones served as the predictors of school success. This is when he discovered that some children were able to answer some question, where as others wasn't.

Alfred Binet Intelligence Test is still used to this day. Binet stressed the limitation of suggesting that intellegence is an influenced by a number of factors and this changes over time, and can only be compared amongs children with similar backgrounds (Siegler, 1992).